Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Due to technical difficulties the blog for Monday did not get posted, so today's blog will cover both Monday and Tuesday. 

Fast and furious scurrying is going on at the bone mines as volunteers explode with new found enthusiasm for the articulation of this whale skeleton. (^-^)

The Paint Fairy came and painted the rib cage framework.
When the framework was dry, the ribs were put back on it by Marilyn Kirkham.
Ribs go on, ribs come off, then on again seems to be the theme as
different stages of articulation take place.
Gaye Wolfe continued her work of beautifying the bones.
Lee and Wes get ready to "flip" the skull over so work can be done to its underside.
Hannah Heimbuch stopped by to have her picture taken. (^-^) . .No, actually Hannah
is doing a story on the whale project and stopped by the bone mines
to interview Lee and some of the volunteers.
Now what's that Sam Smith up to? Looks like he has a plan. . .
. . .and Gaye is in on it!
Even Melisse Reichman has gotten into the act. Guess it got a little warm out there in the sun.
It's a whale tail! 
Sam is sculpting an external tail that will be displayed with the skeleton.
While all that was going on, Marilyn (with Wes Cartey's assistance),
made a template for the skull cradle.

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